Leon FR
1.5 TSI EVO 130PS
Initial rental £1,710
10,000 miles per annum | 36 months
Excess mileage 5p/mile
Initial rental £1,710
10,000 miles per annum | 36 months
Excess mileage 5p/mile
* No ownership option. Business users only. Contract Hire agreement. Excess mileage and damage charges may apply. All prices exclude VAT at 20%. 18s+. Subject to availability and status. T&Cs apply. Offer available for vehicles ordered by 30 September 2024 from participating Retailers. Indemnities may be required. Offers are not available in conjunction with any other finance offer and may be varied or withdrawn at any time. Accurate at time of publication 07/2024. Freepost SEAT Financial Services.
Please note that some images may not reflect UK specification and some derivatives may not be available to order.
SEAT UK may change recommended prices at any time (this includes where there are government changes in regulation and/or legislation). There may be a delay to any recommended prices displaying correctly on our materials. Always obtain prices from your chosen SEAT Retailer.
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