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Online remote services

Be in the know.

Get real time updates and alerts for your SEAT MÓ from your smartphone, no matter where you are.

  • Check battery level
  • Track location
  • Review total mileage
  • Check CO2 emissions

Keyless start

Forget your key, use your phone!

Whenever you have phone coverage, you can start, lock, unlock and open the storage compartment with your smartphone.

Instant updates

Alerts and notifications.

Have complete peace of mind with instant notifications. If somebody tampers with your SEAT MÓ, the alarm function will send an alert straight to your phone. All the updates you need in real-time.

  • Anti-theft alarm
  • Low battery warning
  • Battery temperature warning
  • Maintenance warning


How does the SEAT MÓ connect to my smartphone?
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The SEAT MÓ has a built-in telecommunications unit that shows real-time data about your scooter on your smartphone. With the My SEAT MÓ app, you can receive notifications or even use your phone as a key, extra handy for when you are out and about.

All you need to do is download My SEAT MÓ app from the Apple App store or Google Play Store.

What information can I find on the My SEAT MÓ app?
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With the My SEAT MÓ app, you can find live information about your scooter, such as its location, the battery level and estimated range. You can also receive alerts and notifications and even set up an alarm when the battery falls below a certain level. Use your smartphone phone instead of your key to open your seat and start and stop the engine.

What do I need to do to get the app?
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It's compatible with both Apple and Android devices and all you need is a data plan. Simply download the app to register and create an account. Then, follow the instructions in the app to pair your SEAT MÓ with your phone. To secure the process, you will be need to be close to your scooter to perform some simple actions. Both your phone and the vehicle will need network coverage while pairing.

Like what you see?

The SEAT MÓ 125 is now available to order at 24 of our SEAT UK Retailers.

Please note that some images may not reflect UK specification. Contact your nearest Retailer for more information.